Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cuts protest on NOV 5TH - Lay Off Moyross!

Here's the flyer/poster that's doing the rounds in Moyross this week. Why promise to fix things while taking away what we have? Let's the streets before the Government hit us with atrocious and very unfair cuts. People from communities throughout the Mid-West are joining the march.
In Moyross, the march protest is being led by Community Development activists and volunteers.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Good luck to Trish O'Dea!

Good luck to Trish O'Dea who has started a new job in the Mid-West Regional Hospital. Trish worked for one year with the Northside We're Ok Youth Initiative. She is now working as a social worker supporting families of cancer patients. We in moyross.ie wish Trish the very best and know that many people will miss her around here.

Moyross women's group

We meet every Tuesday 10.30 to 12.30 in the Adult Education Bungalow, Sarsfield Gardens. All welcome. Come along for a chat and a cup of tea. Coming up in November is a Women's health promotion day.
Dates to be confirmed. Will be posted when confirmed. Take some time for yourself.
For further information contact Helen Duffy 061-329111.

Moyross Enterprise Centre wins Award.

The Moyross Community Enterprise Centre has won the 2009 Enterpreneurship award. To find out more about the sponsors, click here.
Pictured with the award: Geraldine Clohessy, chairperson of the Community Enterprise Centre, with Antoinette Yelverton of Moyross Action Centre.